The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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Trait 2: Self-discipline

LoserBoy: Look, it’s been a whole week, and this weightlifting thing isn’t working.
You don’t have the six-pack abdomen of that guy on the cover of Men’s Health. So
let’s you and I go out and buy a six-pack of Corona instead, huh? This is just too

well be in Swahili. We are all defensive by nature, and we are always a bit afraid someone will
spot the rust or chinks in our armor.
Have you looked over your armor?
Your armor is the completeness and security of your sense of self. When you have high
self-esteem, your self-confidence is obvious. Your armor is polished, with no gaps or missing
parts. You don’t feel as though everyone is jabbing you with swords when they talk, and when
they do, they never penetrate your armor. You carry yourself like someone who knows they are
well protected and don’t have to interpret other’s words as attacks. A relationship is nothing
more than the place where two people’s self-esteem meet. The bristly areas of one will irritate
the other where they are weak. You need to inspect your armor so you know where your
vulnerabilities lie.
Sticks and stones won’t break your bones, because you know those names can never
really hurt you.

There are several parts to self-discipline, which is really just the other side of the coin
with Self-Confidence. The two are actually very closely linked.
The first part of self-discipline is your willingness to pay a price, to do what you need to
in order to reach your goal. Will you lose a few pounds? Will you get at least a little in-shape?
Will you curb your need to fart in public? Will you take the time and energy to go out on Friday
to a ballroom dance class instead of watching wrestling?
Another part of this price is your persistence. Can you keep doing the right things long
enough to see them pay off? Are you the kind of person who will throw a flowerpot of soil out
when you don’t see the leaves growing right away, or can you wait and have faith that if you
keep watering it, you will get flowers?

You’ll hear a lot from LoserBoy when you first start making these changes in your life.
He really wants you to fear change, and old habits of thinking are very easy to fall back into.
Here’s a very important Truth you need to know:

If you consistently do the things that winners do, you will get the same results.

If you start eating right and exercising the way an athlete does, you’ll get those results. If
you start approaching women the way I will explain, you will get more dates and more women in
your life. If you start to take control of your thoughts and plan for your goals, you’ll get them.
It’s not really complicated, is it?

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