The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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think you’re a one-man laugh machine. You don’t have to be a great comedian to get women to
laugh. The interesting thing is that most women will laugh with you out of sheer nervousness; all
they need is a gentle poke in the ribs.
Humor conveys many different things. It shows a certain level of self-confidence all its
own. You can’t demonstrate a sense of humor without displaying a little confidence at the same
time. It also shows you don’t take life too seriously, and that you’re not so intense that you can’t
crack a joke about the silly parts of life around you. It lets a woman know she can breathe a little
and not be so intense and on-stage.
The best kind of humor to use is teasing. You have to be judicious about its use, but a
good tease gets a woman’s attraction started, and it also demonstrates a great deal of
challenge to her. Teasing can be done as lighthearted fun, or used as what some refer to as a
“negative hit.” Here’s an example of a light tease:

You see how Jake didn’t let her off the hook? He kept up the banter, just making some
funny comments, and teasing Renee in the process. He was just a little bit cocky, too (“You get
the pleasure of my company...”) This is just like grade-school banter at the playground, and it
still works, friends. Do you think Jake gets that beer? I’ll bet he does.
Women have been conditioned since they were little girls to respond to the male
challenge, and we helped with the conditioning. Name calling in the sandbox (“Sandy-Pandy,
eats the dirty candy!”), running away from their “cooties,” making them “It”. We were flirting
maniacs in our youth. The problem began when we stopped using this skill and started to get
wimpy, sending flowers and love poems. Women like the use of humor and teasing together, as
long as it’s not mean spirited. Teasing says you’re not intimidated.
And if a woman doesn’t respond to humor, yours or others’ – if she’s really dry and
unwilling to laugh – get the hell away from her. Can you imagine the next two hours, much less
a life with someone like that? Please, shoot me now.

Renee: “So I thought maybe I’d go to art school next year.”
Jake: “Just don’t tell me you’re going to do one of those art pieces where you sit naked in a room
and throw wet bread at people.”
Renee: (smiling) “Oh, be quiet! Not like that! I like to draw still life pictures.”
Jake: (eyes wide) “You mean ... like ... dead people? Do you see dead people?” (slight smirk)
Renee: “Stop!” (laughing) “I like to draw some nudes. Things like that.” (smiling because she
knows what’s coming, or thinks she does)
Jake: “Well, I sat for a nude once, but they needed a really loooooong canvas.” (rolls his eyes and
a big smirk to show he’s being a clown.)
Renee: (again, laughing) “You’re so bad!”
Jake: “Well, you’re pretty perverted, too. Drawing naked people. Tell you what, I’ll keep your
secret if you buy me a beer. Deal?”
Renee: “Maybe ... what’s in it for me?”
Jake: “You get the pleasure of my company for a little while longer. Just don’t make any passes
at me, I’m not that easy.” (wink)
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