The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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SUPPLEMENTAL TRAITS.............................................................................................................................

These additional traits, while not part of the primary Three S’s, are still a critical part of
your internal game. They also need to be understood and developed thoroughly to fully develop
yourself as a Dynamic Man.


Attitude is another of the massively important concepts to understand if you want to be
successful in the game of love. Attitude is the way you project your self-esteem to the world
around you. Attitude is the all-powerful determinant of how successful you are at anything.

What happens to you is not nearly as important as what you do with it.

Those who have achieved great success in the world have learned this one fact: With
few exceptions, you must not care too much about what other people think about you. The
problem arises when you take this to an extreme, and your attitude blinds you to the negative
effects you have on other people. At this point, you are technically known as an “asshole.” If
you’re aware and conscientious, you should not have any problems going overboard, since it’s
my experience that people err to the side of caring far too much about what people think than
too little.

There’s something else you should know about women that will have an enduring affect
on your attitude:
She’s not better than you.

This is probably the most commonly held misperception that men and women have
about each other, reflecting back on our self-esteem and perceptions of ourselves. One of the
ways I overcame this in my life was when I realized that, intrinsically, there is not one human
being who is truly more valuable or ‘better’ than any one else. We all sleep, eat, fart, belch, and
a host of other natural body functions. No one is intimidating when they’re sitting on the toilet.
What ultimately ends up raising our status in life is what we do with our lives. Not
lamenting over the things we can’t change – our traumatic childhoods, wishing we were taller,
etc. More often than not, the source of your fears when faced with a situation where you must
initiate something with a woman is that you secretly believe that she is of higher status – that
she’s better than you in some way, and that her judgment of you will reflect on you. Once you
dispel this damaging belief, you will see that it is a distortion and a limiting delusion.

There are many techniques to overcome this mindset. The first is one I hinted at earlier:
take a moment before you engage in discussion with a woman to picture her with her underwear
around her ankles on the toilet. Another visualization would be to imagine what your 9-out-of-10
Hottie will look like when she’s seventy-three-years-old. Or, if she packed on thirty pounds when
she’s pregnant.

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