The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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You are what you think about all day long.

I once read somewhere that we should all act as if we are the host of a huge party. Life
itself is our party, after all. Have you ever noticed that when you’re hosting a party, you feel this
self-assured role, able to start and mix into any conversation you desire? It’s easy because it’s
your party. Well, there’s nothing stopping you from doing this every single day, and at every real
party or gathering you take part in. Pretend that the world is your party.
Act as if you are the host. Because, in reality, no one else is any more than you.

CREATE A CODE FOR YOURSELF, AND A MISSION........................................................................................

Every man needs to draw a line in the sand and determine what he will and will not
accept from other people. You have to have a code, a level of respectable treatment that you
can hold firm to. You start with a firm stance, and then you can soften the boundaries as you go.
On the other hand, if you start with a weak or flaccid stance, you’re never taken seriously when
you try to take a stand later on, and you end up taking a lot more crap from people over the
Establish your code of behavior, and hold people up to it. Most people are too afraid of
rejection to call their “friends” on the carpet for mistreating them. Once you can establish what
you want from the men and women in your life, you will have a barometer that keeps you from
falling into martyrdom for your relationships. When a woman mistreats you, you let her know
that this is unacceptable, and she either cleans up that behavior or she hits the road. She will
respect you, no matter what she says or does.

Your mission is what your life is about. Think about the great leaders on the planet and
what they set out to do. They never had a problem with women because these men were
creating a life worth becoming a part of, and that attracts all people.
Sit down sometime and take a long look at what you’re life means to you, and what you
want to accomplish. You don’t have to lead a revolution or comfort lepers to make the difference
you want to make. Sometimes it’s as simple as creating a family, or leaving behind a legacy of
abuse. Whatever it is, though, is up to you to determine.
Women can detect a man with a purpose, and it’s the most powerful of aphrodisiacs.
Show her you’ve got a mission, and you’ll find that women aren’t really a problem anymore.

Dream no small dreams, for they have no power to move men.
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