The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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THE CONFIDENCE TREADMILL....................................................................................................................

We (men, in general) hunger for more self-assurance in our ourselves and our
relationships with women. Ironically, the one factor that everyone agrees is the primary
foundation for this is – you guessed it – your self-confidence.
Self-confidence isn’t a state you achieve, although it can occasionally feel this way.
Confidence is a cycle, a treadmill, if you will, that you need to learn how to initiate for yourself.
You see, confidence feeds back on itself, and this in turn (like a nuclear reactor with its control
rods pulled out) creates a chain reaction of energy that only serves to elevate you to the next
level. Nothing succeeds like success. If you’re confident in yourself, there’s no way she can
bring you down.
So how do you get that self-confidence? The simple advice is to just do it.
I really hate re-treading slogans, but that one nails it on the head, friends. The only cure
to all your problems is to feel the fear, the insecurity, the angst – whatever – but do it anyway.
Feel insecure? Great. Go ask for her number.
Feel unhappy? Didn’t get a raise? Great. Go call her and ask her out.
No, really, do it. NOW. Act in spite of it all.
It’s all about posture. Women don’t know that you’re feeling the way you are unless you
A) Tell them, or B) Don’t do anything. You see, the Truth is that if you don’t do it, your situation
doesn’t get one bit better. If you do something, you’ll always reap rewards. And action breeds
more positive energy along the way. You’re only depressed when you’re thinking and not
Even if you don’t get the results you want, you’ll still feel better having done something.
Waiting is just a clever way to making it acceptable to keep losing.

It’s better to regret the things you did than the things you didn’t.

Sure, your mood will interfere and tell you that you’re not the stud you think you are.
Doubts, those evil hobgoblins of us all, creep in and tell you that you’re just another dweeb that
doesn’t deserve her love or attention. Insecurity.
Don’t you believe it.

What you need are your own personal rituals you can create that get you into the right
frame of mind and keep your confidence treadmill oiled and running strong. Here are a few of
the things I do keep myself confident and motivated:

  • Write on the mirror. I have a dry erase marker in my bathroom that I write
    messages on my mirror with. Whatever you can tell yourself that gets your
    day started off right. Inspiration and wisdom.

  • Keep a list of your strengths. I have a list of my top twenty-five traits that
    make me a blessing to any woman lucky enough to get my time, my energy.
    This is your power to leave, if it comes to that. Posture.

  • Review your list of her desired traits. What do you want your magical woman
    to be like? It’s really not about who we date and marry, but how we avoid the

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