The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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flies. The reality, though, is that people do often make judgments based on initial appearances,
and to get a chance at the starting line, your appearance should give you that initial opportunity.
A Shelby Mustang may outrun any vehicle on the street, but I bet if you had one you’d wash and
wax it with exacting care. You should demand no different for yourself.

Let me define a term I’ll use in this section: Affectations. Affectations are those things we
wear or do that are a bit on the extreme side, and can sometimes come across with a certain
amount of pretentiousness. They seem exaggerated in the overall makeup of a person. For
example, I live in San Francisco, CA, and there are many people who live in the Bay Area that
have the counter-culture look: body piercings, tattoos, pink hair, and every other imaginable
adornment. Most of the time, these people tend to come across with a “Hey! Look at me!”
appearance. While I’m not judging or condemning them in any way, I feel it’s necessary to point
out that if you are going to reflect your personality in your appearance this strongly, you will risk
limiting your options. The grooming and personal hygiene that I’m proposing here supposes that
you are not of the radical appearance variety, and that you want to make yourself as
presentable as possible. I’m asking that you think over your style and make it your own,
whatever it may be, and make your choices based on your goals – not on a need to make a

This covers all areas where you have hair – and shouldn’t have hair. Starting with your
melon, the hair on your head should be cut neatly. If you choose to have long hair, so be it,
however, you should understand that when you make certain choices for yourself, you are also
making choices about who will be attracted to you. If your goal is to leave your options open,
you should accept a certain flexibility in your personal grooming standards. This means that
your green hair, pony tail, or Mohawk will likely reduce the available group of women who will be
interested in you. For maximum flexibility, you should consider a reasonably short cut, trimmed
neatly over the ears. If your hair is thinning, you might decide to go with the super-short or even
completely bald look.
To address baldness, many men have hair loss as they get older, and it is a source of
some concern, since this can impact a man’s self-confidence when he feels that he may appear
older than he actually is. The negative associations with baldness are numerous, including the
concept that women are not attracted to bald men. The Truth of the matter is that women are
attracted to any man who can make them feel good about themselves. Baldness is even an
asset for many women who are looking for a sign of maturity in their men, not boy-toys.
Remember how Patrick Stewart (Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek) was the hot ticket for women for
years? He is bald, but he carried himself with such self-confidence and sophistication that he
earned raves from women who watched the show just for him.
Your overall hairstyle should simply make you look your best, long or short. The best
haircut is one that doesn’t look like you tried too hard. To find out what look would be best for
you, go to a woman hairstylist and get her advice, then let her try it out on you. Use a good
shampoo and conditioner to keep it soft, and watch for dandruff.
Mustaches and beards are stylish, and I’ve seen just as many polls that say women like
them as don’t like them. My personal feeling is that facial hair can be irritating to a woman when
you’re kissing her, so I stay clean-shaven most of the time. Whatever you choose, be sure to
keep it neat and trimmed, whether it’s a soul-patch or a goatee. I do know for a fact that women

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