The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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them again. If they rated you highly as well, you will be sent an email or letter with contact
information so that you can continue the possibility.

The advantages:

  • Great exposure. It gets you in front of a larger number of people than going to a bar
    and meeting one-at-a-time

  • There is no pretense - you’re there to meet people and see who you like. And they
    are too.

  • Excellent practice in learning how to sell yourself in a short period of time. Even if
    you don’t match with anyone, you feel great just engaging with the opposite sex.

The disadvantages:

  • Time is limited, and it is hard to be able to stick out in their minds when so many
    people are run by.

If you live in a large metropolitan area (or even smaller areas may offer them) you
should look into these events and opportunities.

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