The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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  • Flea markets, bazaars, or fairs – These are also interesting as they offer
    some interesting things to browse and buy.

  • Cooking demonstration – there are a lot of stores now that offer cooking
    classes or demos.

  • Any places with a strange or dramatic background – castles, old houses,
    ruins. There was a place near where I lived growing up called White Lady’s
    Castle, where a ghost reportedly walked the grounds. Oddly, that’s where
    many of the teenagers went to have a little action.

  • The Photo Shoot – Get a digital camera (or a real one, if that’s all you have
    available) and go out for a little experimental photography. This plays on her
    vanity, flattering her and making her feel important and beautiful that you’d
    want to have her as a subject. Trust me, you don’t even have to be very good
    at taking pictures. (Hell, you don’t even have to have film in the thing.) Just
    have fun.

You are striving to reduce the costs of meeting and seeing women, while at the same
time making these “dates” more alluring and exciting. Save the candle-lit dinners for later. The
more imagination you can show now, the more you will increase her attraction early on. There’s
plenty of time for hard romance when she’s really attracted to you.

From here on, when I refer to “dates,” I am actually talking about
creating unique and exciting meetings with women.

TOP TEN DATING MISTAKES ..........................................................................................................

There are a lot of potential traps during your first meetings with a woman, probably more
than I can warn you against here. However, there are some fairly predictable errors made on
dates. Here is a list of the most prominent:

  1. Talking too much – (especially about yourself): This includes bragging. You want to
    focus at least 70% of the conversation on her. Her experience is that the man who listens to her
    will understand her, and she believes that the man who understands her will be a good lover.
    The reverse is doubly True – if you yammer on and on, she’ll nod and smile, but she’ll be
    thinking about what a bore you are, and how unlikely it is you’ll give her good loving. Take a
    lesson from the great talk show hosts. Watch them as they ask questions and get everyone
    laughing along the way.

  2. Spending too much money/try too hard to impress: Don’t buy her flowers or gifts
    or trinkets. When a car salesman comes at you with all these glitzy sales lures, your initial
    reaction is to step back and see what he’s selling you. The same thing happens with a woman.
    Any man that tries to buy her affections is demonstrating low self-confidence and low self-
    discipline. Any woman that needs those gifts to date you is not worth your time or energy.

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