The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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they’ve found that she’s interested, and turn a good date into boredom. Unless she’s asking you
back to her place, you have to pack it in politely. Don’t overstay your welcome.

  1. Not having a plan of attack: You should always have an idea of where and how to
    proceed next. You should make a backup plan for your meeting, that way you have an alternate
    in case of a problem. If you get a goodnight kiss that turns into a heated make-out session, you
    have to decide how you want to progress this. Do you have a condom? Do you have a place to

Also, keep in mind that your initial meetings with a woman should be just you and her.
No roommates tagging along or chaperones. If she cannot meet with you in a public place
without supervision, she’s either too young or she may have a trust issue that you can’t
overcome. You can accept a tag-along once, if you choose, but that’s all.

Availability ...........................................................................................................................................

Your availability to a woman will contribute to her feelings of attraction. If you answer the
phone every time she calls, or have a schedule that is too wide open, you will only appear that
you have nothing better to do (i.e., you have no life.) Even if you don’t have anything better to
do, it’s not the impression you want her or anyone else having. We tend to value our time more
with the people we rarely see than the people we see all the time. (See the concept of Scarcity
explained later.)
Here are some rules of availability:

1) Do not answer your phone all the time. Let it roll to voicemail on occasion. That’s
why you bought a machine or pay for the service, right?
2) You never answer your phone on Friday or Saturday night. What kind of man is
available on these nights? Hint: Not you.
3) Do not return calls right away. You’re busy enjoying the world. You don’t have time
to chase everyone down. If you call her right away, it screams: “I’m a needy guy! I’m
going to smother you!””
4) When meeting with a woman, you only present two times available in any given
week to get together with her. If her times conflict, she will need to rearrange or wait
until next week. Remember, if she chooses not to, it’s her loss. If she’s truly
interested, she’ll find a way to make it work out.
5) During your first few weeks of dating a woman, you only speak to her on the phone
long enough to set the next date. When you get the meeting, you tell her that you’re
on the way out and you’ll see her then.
6) You are only available for blocks of up to ninety minutes at a time. Make sure you
have somewhere to go before and after. If a date goes exceptionally well, you can
always extend it – at your discretion.
7) If you set a date and she wants to leave it open for confirmation, or asks you to call
her and verify it before the date, you tell her, “I’m sorry, Marsha, I’m very busy and
don’t have time to make flaky dates. If you want to meet, let’s set a time and be
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