Leading with NLP

(coco) #1



What fuels your vision? The energy and the reason to move
forward are provided by your values. Values are what matter
to you. So, what is really important for you? Once you know
that, your goals will begin to fall into place and you will have
the energy to pursue them.
Start by knowing your own values, so you can lead your-
self, then it will be easier to find out what matters to others,
so you can lead them.
I suggest five broad categories in which to explore your
values: personal development, relationships, work, health
and leisure. You will probably find that values will overlap,
because, for example, you develop yourself through work,
and good health involves satisfying relationships and engag-
ing work.
The next exercise will help you be clear about your values.

Personal Leadership Exercise 1:Your Values

Do this exercise when you have some time for yourself
and will not be disturbed.

Make a list of the areas of your life where you want to
clarify what is important to you, for example:
personal development
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