Leading with NLP

(coco) #1

56 Leading with NLP


Pick one area to begin with, your work for example,
and ask yourself:
What is important to me about work?
What do I look for in a job?
What keeps me in my work?
What five things help me do my job well?
Why are they important to me?
What five things do I like about my job?
Why are they important to me?
What would cause me to leave my present work?
What would I like to change about my work to make it
more satisfying?

Then, choose some experiences in your work where
you achieved something really worthwhile. What
was important to you about those experiences?
What do they suggest about the kind of work you
What things do you value in work that money can’t
What do you value about the people you work with?

These questions will help you crystallize your values
about work. Aim to get three to five working values, but
don’t try to put them in order. Values form a system,
not a hierarchy.
Clarify your values in each of the other areas –
personal development, health, relationships and
leisure – using similar questions. Add any other areas
that are important to you.

When you have your (at least) three values in each area, you
need to find out the rules you have about how and when
these values are fulfilled. What has to happen for you to
know these values are met? Also, what lets you know these

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