Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 10- 10 CKMessageEntryRichTextView.h

Unluckily, we cannot find placeholder in CKMessageEntryRichTextView.h. Was there

something wrong in our deduction? Not really. Let’s have a look at its superclass, i.e.

CKMessageEntryTextView, as shown in figure 10-11.

Figure 10- 11 CKMessageEntryTextView.h

Aha, there are lots of placeholders in this file. Among them placeholderLabel and

placeholderText are quite noticeable, is anyone of them our target placeholder? Let’s verify with


cy# [#0x16295200 setPlaceholderText:@"iOSRE"]
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