Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 10- 64 loc_268D4604

Whether iOS “isSendingMessage”? We don’t know if the timing is before or after pressing

“Send” button, so let’s test them both. Before pressing “Send”:

cy# [#0x15537200 isSendingMessage]

And after pressing “Send”:

cy# [#0x15537200 isSendingMessage]

So, [self isSendingMessage] returns 0 anyway. Branch left and arrive at loc_268D4636, as

shown in figure 10-65.

Figure 10- 65 loc_268D4636

Can we send the iMessage to the recipient? Since the recipient is a valid iMessage account,

of course we can! Branch left and arrive at figure 10-66.

Figure 10- 66 Branch

Can we send the composition? Since we’ve already printed the CKComposition object,

there doesn’t seem to be any problems. Branch left and arrive at figure 10-67.

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