Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

an IMChat or CKConversation object; IMChatRegistry is responsible for managing all IMChats;

an iMessage is an IMMessage or CKComposition object. For those IM developers, the design of

iMessage can be a precious reference.

If you’re still unsatisfied with this chapter and want to dig deeper into iMessage, try the

following bonuses:

-^ Send SMS programmatically (Tip: just replace IMServiceImpl would be alright).
-^ Send iMessage with ChatKit (Tip: you can get a CKConversationfrom object from an IMChat

  • Send iMessage inside SpringBoard (Tip: calling [IMChat sendMessage:IMMessage] inside

SpringBoard fails to send messages, because SpringBoard lacks certain “capabilities”).

If you can digest the contents of this chapter inside-out, and prototype the tweak without

referring to the book, congratulations, you’re a fairly outstanding iOS reverse engineer now,

you are qualified and encouraged to step toward a higher goal, say, jailbreak. Before you begin

the new journey, share your knowledge and experiences with us on to

help build the jailbreak community. Thank you!

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