Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Two

for promotion are terminated. Not surprisingly, in such com-
panies, performance appraisals are more results oriented.^81 The
trading of baseball players from one team to another provides a
good example of career paths and the high talent and high
turnover of the organizations in this category. Another example
of career progression in this category might be the local
television reporter who moves up to a national news network.
Empirical evidence of distinctive “make” or “buy” patterns of
human resource management practices has been established in
a study of MBA students who have accepted offers of

Closer examination of the baseball team quadrant
indicates some potential contradictions. Sonnenfeld and
Peiperl’s category of baseball teams does not correspond
completely with Miles and Snow’s prospector category because
certified public accounting (CPA) firms and law firms probably
do not operate at the same level of innovation as prospectors
such as Hewlett-Packard. Firms emphasizing innovation, the
prospectors in Miles and Snow’s typology, have also been found
to place a heavier emphasis on training than less innovative
companies. There is also a need for lower turnover in such
firms because the loss of personnel can be extremely
disruptive.^83 Great disruption results from turnover in these
firms because their quick rate of learning often leaves organi-
zational knowledge unrecorded. Explanation for this apparent

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