Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Two
of the human resource planner and all the other
executives responsible for strategic planning.^96

Evolution of Strategy and Human Resource
Planning Integration

There are probably four stages in the evolution of linkages
between strategic business planning and human resource
management. The first stage is called an administrative linkage,
although there is no real linkage. Senior executives operate as
if qualified personnel are always available in the labor market,
and the human resource unit is relegated to a paperwork-
processing role. The second stage involves a one-way linkage
in which the human resource function becomes involved only in
implementation. In the third stage, there is a two-way linkage.
This involves a reciprocal relationship in which the human
resource function helps implement strategic business plans and
also provides input to strategy formulation. The final stage is
called an integrative linkage. This stage goes beyond the
reciprocal relationship to an equal involvement with other
functional areas of business in the development of strategic
business plans, including issues outside of the human resource
area. Interestingly, a fully integrated linkage may be described
as informal.^97

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