Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Two

  1. Pitts, Robert A., and David Lei. Strategic Management:
    Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage,
    2nd ed. Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College
    Publishing, 2000.

  2. Ibid.; Porter, Michael E. Competitive Advantage:
    Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New
    York: The Free Press, 1985.

  3. Zabriskie, Noel, and Alan Huellmantel. “Implementing
    Strategies for Human Resources,” Long Range
    Planning 22, no. 114 (1989): 70–77.

  4. Schuler. “Strategic Human Resources Management:
    Linking the People with the Strategic Needs of
    the Business,” p. 24.

  5. Craft. “Human Resource Planning and Strategy”; Beer,
    Spector, Lawrence, Mills, and Walton.
    Managing Human Assets.

  6. Sonnenfeld, Jeffrey, and Maury A. Peiperl. “Staffing
    Policy as a Strategic Response: A Typology of
    Career Systems,” Academy of Management Review 13,
    no. 4 (1988): 588–600; Lengnick-Hall, Cynthia
    A., and Mark L. Lengnick-Hall. “Strategic Human
    Resources Management: A Review of the Literature
    and a Proposed Typology,” Academy of Management
    Review 13, no. 3 (1988): 454–70.

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