Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Two

  1. Higgins, James M., and Julian W. Vincze. Strategic
    Management: Text and Cases. Chicago: Dryden
    Press, 1989.

  2. Craft, James A. “Human Resource Planning and
    Strategy,” in Lee Dyer (Ed.), Human Resource
    Management: Evolving Roles and Responsibilities.
    Washington, DC: Bureau of National Affairs, 1988, p.

  3. Higgins, James M., and Julian W. Vincze. Strategic
    Management: Text and Cases. Chicago: Dryden
    Press, 1989; Walker, James W. Human Resource
    Planning. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980; Craft. “Human
    Resource Planning and Strategy.”

  4. Craft. “Human Resource Planning and Strategy.”

  5. Quinn, James B. “Retrospective Commentary,” Sloan
    Management Review 30, no. 4 (1989): 55–60.

  6. Henn. “What the Strategist Asks from Human

  7. Craft. “Human Resource Planning and Strategy”; Quinn,
    James B. “Retrospective Commentary.”

  8. Quinn, James B. “Strategic Change: Logical
    Incrementalism,” Sloan Management Review 30, no. 4
    (1989): 45–55.

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