Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Two

  1. Jackson and Schuler. “Human Resource Planning:
    Challenges for Industrial/Organizational
    Psychologists”; Sonnenfeld and Peiperl. “Staffing Policy
    as a Strategic Response: A Typology of
    Career Systems”; Miles and Snow. “Designing Strategic
    Human Resources Systems”; Jackson, Susan
    E., Randall S. Schuler, and J. Carlos Rivero.
    “Organizational Characteristics as Predictors of
    Practices,” Personnel Psychology 42, no. 2 (1989): 727–

  2. Miles and Snow. “Designing Strategic Human Resources
    Systems”; Sonnenfeld and Peiperl. “Staffing
    Policy as a Strategic Response: A Typology of Career

  3. Rousseau, Denise M. “New Hire Perceptions of Their
    Own and Their Employer’s Obligations: A
    Study of Psychological Contracts,” Journal of
    Organizational Behavior 11, no. 5 (1990): 389–400.

  4. Jackson, Schuler, and Rivero. “Organizational
    Characteristics as Predictors of Personnel Practices.”

  5. Sonnenfeld and Peiperl. “Staffing Policy as a Strategic
    Response: A Typology of Career Systems”;
    Miles and Snow. “Designing Strategic Human Resources

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