The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

Confidence: Once you have the other four states down, confidence naturally follows.
We all have confidence in certain areas. For instance, if you’re reading this book, you’re
confident you have the ability to read, otherwise you wouldn’t waste time with books,
would you?

By the same token, are you confident you can eat when you’re hungry? How do you
know? Probably because you believe it is within your ability to get up, walk to the
refrigerator, take out some food, put it in your mouth, chew, and swallow. You’ve done
it so many times, you’re supremely confident you can achieve this task.

Confident people live life believing that everything is within their capability.

They do not spend time thinking about failure, or criticizing themselves, putting
themselves down, comparing themselves to others, etc. They move through life with a
sense of calm, and challenge themselves to get what they want, feeling that everything is
within their grasp. They don’t dwell on failure, they move on. They don’t look as
obstacles as roadblocks, they look at them as something to be overcome.

As I talk about in the Approaching section of this book, Confidence stems from secure
knowledge and competence. Once we know how to do something, we become confident
we can repeat that task.

Meeting and attracting women is no different.

People who lack confidence make their life difficult for themselves. Confidence opens
up doors of opportunity you never knew existed.

Just remember that persistence is the key to confidence. If at first you don’t succeed, try
and try again. Use the four other states I’ve given you to keep proceeding. Once you do
succeed, you can repeat your success, until you are secure in your knowledge and
competent in your actions.

Then, and only then, will you know what true confidence feels like.

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