The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

The type of guy who’d rather get a root canal than talk to a girl. The type of guy who’d
rather run a mile on a broken leg than meet a new and interesting woman.

By the time you are finished reading and internalizing the material outlined in this capter,
you will have NO PROBLEM meeting any woman you want, any time you want, any
where you want.

But I want to be clear on this point: You have to do the work.

Seriously, guys. You’ve bought the book (at least, I HOPE you’ve bought it. If you’ve
pirated this sucker, shame on you!), so that means that you’re taking action to get your
love life under control.

However, like anything in life, this is going to take effort, practice, and more than a few

The guidelines and concepts I lay out in this book are going to be of great benefit to you.
I sure with I had a resource like this one when I was first starting out! You’re going to
get a step-by-step system for approaching numerous beautiful women, and tons of proven

But none of it will mean JACK unless you apply them to your every-day life!

That means I’m going to need a commitment from you BEFORE you start reading
chapter 1 of this book that you are going to take the time to...

  • Memorize

  • Internalize

  • Practice

  • and Apply...

...everything I’m going to share with you here. Otherwise, I’ll pretty much guarantee
you’re going to stay where you are in terms of success with women.


So without further ado, let’s get to the nitty gritty...

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