The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

Now, obviously, whenever a man approaches a woman, she knows what’s up. Most girls
are very savvy to the fact that the reason men approach women at all is because they are
sexually attracted to them.

But by Telegraphing Interest, you are making it obvious to her conscious mind what
your intentions are, and this will put her on guard.

Basically, any sign of interest early on will make your seduction down the road harder
than it needs to be, because it raises the girl’s value and her power in the interaction
you’ll be having with her.

So what’s a guy to do?

Basically, in order to combat this, you have to shift gears a bit and start Telegraphing

When you approach a girl for the first time, your goal should be to display as few of the
signs that you’re interested in her as possible. You can do this by utilizing the concept
of “active disinterest.”

Now, those two words may seem rather paradoxical when matched together, but trust me,
it’ll make sense. There is an important reason why those two words should be paired up.

I’ll explain it to you by first illustrating its opposite.

Let me give you an example of what I’m talking about: Have you ever been out and
about, maybe in a bar or a club, and you see a beautiful woman. And after spotting said
woman, you simply stand there, waiting for her to notice you and approach you? So you
sit around trying to act cool, acting like you don’t see her, projecting a confident, macho
attitude which you hope is magnetic enough to get her attention?

Now, ask yourself how often that works.

I’m willing to bet the answer is “Hardly ever,” if at all.

What I just described to you is an example of “inactive disinterest.” Inactive Disinterest
is a way of pretending you’re not interested in someone without doing anything to
draw attention to the fact that you’re not interested in them.

In short, your target is not aware you feel ANYTHING for them. Rather, the distinction
that you’re “disinterested” in your target is only apparent in your mind.

The opposite of this is when you actually take the action necessary to become noticed by
the woman, while still portraying that disinterested attitude. Hence -- “active

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