The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


There is more to Opening a woman than simply knowing what to say.

Indeed, the process of Opening a girl can be quite involved. I don’t want to bog you
down with too much theory here, because honestly, every rule or guideline I lay out in
this book can be broken if the context is right, but I think this is an important concept for
everyone to grasp.

Interest can be defined as any “involvement with or participation in something.”

A dictionary-like example of this would be: She has an interest in the quality of her
education. So in this respect, we’re treating the word “Interest” as a verb, or action that
one does.

This is important to know, because most people can be very transparent with their
interests, especially when it comes to dealing with other people.

Have you ever heard anyone talk about someone they’ve just fallen in love with? As
they’re telling you about that person, their eyes grow wide, their speech gets faster, they
get more energetic as they recall traits about that person they like, etc., etc.? Well, that’s
a perfect example of how someone shows Interest in another person.

As human beings, we have an innate instinct for when people are interested in us. This is
because we can recognize certain traits and behaviors that signal the person we are
interacting with has a certain kind of interest in who we are, what we do, etc.

When someone is sexually attracted to us, there are certain signals we pick up on which
telegraph this Interest.

Women have seen these signals NUMEROUS times from countless men, and they are
very sharp when it comes to picking up on these signals of Interest. I call the displaying
of these signals “Telegraphing Interest.”

Telegraphing Interest is not a good thing to do when you are approaching a woman for
the first time.

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