The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

A Time Constraint is a way of telling your target that you are going to interact with them
for a short period of time. What this does is bypass that resistance they would put up
because you are presenting yourself as just a momentary distraction to their daily lives.

But this gives you the opportunity to capture their fancy and open them successfully.

Some examples of Time Constraints are:

  1. Real quick...

  2. I’ve only got a few seconds...

  3. I know you’re busy, but...

  4. I gotta get going in a minute...

  5. I can only stay a minute...

  6. This’ll only take a second...

All of these time constraints set the stage for a quick interaction, which you’ll find most
people are open to. But once you’re in your target’s personal bubble, you’ll find that you
can take up as much time as is necessary to get them interested in you.

Structure of Intruders

The combinations you can create for Intruders are quite numerous, and they all work.
But the basic structures of an Intruder are as follow:

  1. Single Intruder

  2. Intruder Æ Time Constraint

  3. Intruder Æ Plural

  4. Intruder Æ Plural Æ Time Constraint

Here are some examples of Intruders:

“Hey guys...”
“Yo, real quick...”
“Yo, what’s up?”
“Hey, I gotta tell you something...”
“Hi there!”
“Hey, I’ve only got a few seconds...”
“Yo, I know you’re busy, but...”
“Stop! This’ll only take a second...”
“Hi guys, I can only stay a minute...”

Once you know what Intruders to use, you can enter anyone’s personal bubble and open
them successfully.

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