The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

During that time of hesitation where you’re your brain is contemplating every single
possible thing that could go wrong, a few things are happening:

  1. You are focusing on a negative outcome

  2. You are rehearsing failure

  3. You are allowing fear, doubt, and uncertainty to take control

  4. You are giving outside factors time to distract or take your target away from you

When it comes to timing, hesitation is your worst enemy. Remember that phrase
“Opportunity only knocks once?”

Well, knock, knock, buddy.

Eventually, you’re going to want to train yourself to approach automatically, so that it
becomes instinctual to do so as soon as you see your target.

Never use hesitation as an excuse NOT to approach. When you chicken out because you
think “too much time has passed,” you’re just rationalizing your desire to stay in your
safe little comfort zone.

Resist doing this with all your strength!

We’ll discuss how to train yourself to overcome the evils of hesitation later on in this
book. But until then, I want you to remember this important concept:

Action will overcome hesitation.

Like Yoda told Luke, “Do, or Do Not. There is no Try.” When you FORCE yourself to
act, when you PUSH THROUGH your hesitation, you can achieve amazing results.

Don’t worry about everything that could possibly go wrong. Instead, ACT, and deal with
obstacles as they arrive.

Simply acting on impulse will improve your timing, and dramatically improve your

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