The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

So you want to throw off this resistance by Opening one of your obstacles.

If you have a group of two people, this is the easiest. You simply Open the person who is
not your target.

But when you get groups of three or more people, things get a little more complicated.
Which obstacle do you Open?

The truth is, you can Open any obstacle you want.

But the most effective way to Open the group is to approach the “leader” of the group

In every group, there is usually someone who takes charge and leads the group in its
decision making. You can always tell who the leader is because it’s usually one of two
kinds of people:

  1. A very assertive and outgoing woman

  2. A guy

For instance, if you see two girls walking through a club, and they’re holding hands as
they make their way through the crowd, the girl taking the lead will be the leader.

By contrast, in a group of three or more women, the one talking the most or the loudest is
usually the leader.

In groups with men in them, they are, by default, the “leaders,” simply by contrast
between the sexes. In this case, you don’t have to figure out who the most “Alpha” of the
guys are and open him first, the opening of any guy in the group will do.

If your target is the leader of your group, don’t open her right away. Open one of your
obstacles and let the leader engage you, then turn your attention to her.

The reason you want to try and Open the leader of a group is because the Leader is your
biggest obstacle.

If they decide the group should do something else other than talk to you, the group is
going to do that and your conversation is going to die a quick and painful death.

Once you have Opened the leader, make an attempt to engage each one of the other
obstacles in the group. Tell the group a funny story, show them you’re a cool guy,
entertain them, befriend them.

Once the group accepts you, turn your attention to your target.

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