The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


This is probably the most dangerous form of Opener there is, not just because it
telegraphs interest quite blatantly (and therefore your intention) but it is also the easiest
for a girl to reject.

However, if pulled off correctly, the Direct Opener can be very effective.

The purpose of a Direct Opener is to automatically take charge of the situation you’re in,
and impose your agenda on your target.

It is a very blunt way of taking over your target’s reality and imposing your own upon
them. But it’s this imposition that also creates resistance from your target.

However, if you’re skillful enough a conversationalist to bypass any resistance, this type
of Opener can get you in with your target fast!


The structure of a Direct Opener is a relatively simple one. It is:

Intruder Æ Statement of Intent

That’s it.

You just interrupt your target’s reality and tell them why you’re doing so.

The purpose behind doing this is to communicate that you are not intimidated by your
target and you make no excuses for your desires.


--The “I want to meet you” Opener

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