The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

“You won’t believe what just happened to me.”

The above statement not only engages your target by challenging them to believe what
you are about to tell them, but it also thrusts you right into the forefront of the story and
your target’s attention.

So the structure of a good Drama Opener is this:

Intruder Æ Hook Statement Æ Story Æ Resolution

The Resolution is where the drama comes to close in your story. It’s usually best to
include some type of humorous outcome or lesson in the resolution that resonates with
your target.


--The “Car on Fire” Opener

This is an example of a real life situation that I adapted into a good Drama Opener.
This one is good to use with solitary targets or groups in pretty much any situation.

“Hey guys, you won’t believe what just happened to me.

I was eating dinner with a few friends of mine at this restaurant, and all of
a sudden, we hear this scream. And we look up and see a car in the
parking lot with smoke billowing out of the hood!

And the girl who owns the car is out there freaking out. So the first thing
that runs through my mind is “This car is going to blow up!”

So I get up and tell everyone to get away from the windows and to the
back of the restaurant.

But instead of that, everyone whips out their cell phones and digital
cameras, and runs outside to start taking pictures of the car! Meanwhile,
flames are engulfing the hood of the car, and all these people are standing
not five feet away taking pictures!

Can you believe that? I mean, why would anyone endanger their lives for
a few stupid photos!”

(If they ask what happened, use this Resolution)

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