The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


Whether it be in movies, television, or real life, nothing captures the attention of someone
like DRAMA!

But this is true especially when it comes to women. Drama gets the emotions stirred up,
and has the ability to enrapture people and engage them in powerful ways.

The Drama Opener is more of a story of a dramatic event that usually involves some type
of conflict.

Like all good stories, it has its characters and it’s climaxes, and usually a bit of humor as
well. But one thing to keep in mind is that you always want to put yourself in the drama
in some way in order to help you engage your target.

By making yourself part of the drama that unfolds, you in essence make it YOUR story.

And nothing is more powerful than sucking someone into your story.

But one thing you want to be careful of is to make sure you are not the INSTAGTOR of
the drama. If you portray yourself as the cause of these conflicts, people may be scared
to interact with you.

After all, people love drama, as long as THEY are not a part of it.


The idea behind Drama Openers is that you want to hook your target right away, and then
launch into the story that is the source of the drama.

In order to do that, you’re going to want to engage you’re target’s curiosity, while at the
same time linking that curiosity to you.

To do this we use what I call a “Hook Statement.”

A Hook Statement is anything that puts you in a story in such a way that your target
becomes intrigued. The following is an example of a Hook Statement I like to use:

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