The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

Just make sure the set-up and punchline are quick ones. Nothing kills humor faster than a
long, drawn-out set-up!


Here are a few examples of good, solid Joke Openers.

--The “Good-Looking People” Opener

This Opener works well if you’re not a “conventionally” good looking person and
your target is quite good looking.

This is also best to use in low-key settings with solitary targets (for example,
standing in line).

Basically, you walk up to your target, and say the following...

(Shake your head in an exasperated way) “Hey, let me tell you something
about good looking people... we’re not well liked.”

You may have a delayed reaction from this one, but once people get the joke,
you’re value will be raised in their eyes because it’s “smart humor.”

And the fact that your target got the joke will make them feel like they are on
your level of intelligence, which will help validate them and open them up for
further conversation.

--The “Gay Cow” Opener

This Opener is very effective on groups, and I have used it to open numerous
groups of women with great success. It’s typical “girl humor,” and is most
effective on groups made up of all girls.

“Hey guys, what do gay cows eat?” (after they respond, twirl your finger
in the air, and in your best gay voice, say) “Haaaaayyyyyy!”

Girls will never fail to crack up at this one. It works great at parties and club/bar

--The “Keg” Opener

The “Keg” refers to a “Keg of Beer.” I used to use this Opener in college with
great success. It’s a rather overly sexual Opener, but if delivered right, the girl
will usually laugh. It does walk the line of being a “cheesy pick-up line,”
however, so you must be in a confident, jokey mood to do it right.

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