The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

For the Opinion opener, you almost always want to introduce it with an Intruder and a

For example:

“Hey guys, I need an opinion on something...”

When you start the interaction with a Preface that requires someone to give their opinion,
it engages your target and lets them know right up front what you want from them.

But it also throws them off the scent of your real intentions, which may be to get a date,
or a phone number, or what have you. You can even preface it even further by tailoring
the Preface to your target by adding in the word “female” into it.

For example:

“Hey guys, I need a female opinion on something...”

This is even more powerful because it gives a reason for approaching women to begin
with, because a female opinion is needed, as opposed to an opinion any joe schmoe could
give you.

But this also engages your target’s femininity, which has those subtle sexual undertones
we’ve talked about before.

Anyway, the structure of the Opinion Opener itself has to do with setting up a situation
that has many options, listing those options, then engaging your target’s thoughts and
feelings on those options.

Intruder Æ Preface Æ Story or Situation Æ Options on Outcomes to Story or
Situation Æ Engagement of Target

You want to present two or three options to your target.

You can do an “open ended” Opinion Opener, but you run the risk of people being too
overwhelmed by the number of options that may run through their heads.

It’s always best to present your targets options from which they have to choose from.
Limit your options to two or three possibilities. Any more than that and you run the risk
of overwhelming your target.


--The “80’s Dog” Opener

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