The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1
I have tested this opener out in bars, clubs, and other venues, and it works
extremely well pretty much anywhere. The Opener is as follows:

“Hey guys, I need a quick opinion about something. My friend just got
two dogs, a Pug dog, and a Beagle dog. She wants to name them after an
80’s pop duo, but I can’t for the life of me think of a good one. Do you
guys have any ideas?”

The game here is to keep presenting options to the group, and then disqualifying
those options. The real sneaky thing here is that there are no well-known 80’s
pop duos, so this conversation can last a long time, and that allows you to segue
into a deeper conversation.

Here are a few of the options you can talk to them about:

  • “I was thinking Sonny and Cher would be a good one, because the Pug
    dog is a male and the Beagle dog is a female. But they’re 70’s, not 80’s,
    so that won’t work.”

  • “Maybe Axel and Slash would be good, but they’re rock n’ roll hairband
    style, plus one of the dogs is a female, so that won’t work at all.”

  • “Milli Vanilli was a thought, but those are both guy names. We need a
    female name. Plus, Milli doesn’t fit a Pug or a Beagle. That’s more of a
    Jack Russel Terrier name.”

And no matter what option your targets present you, find a way to disqualify it.
Then use the times your target’s think about names to engage them in some other

This can be a fun Opener to do and can really open the doors to further
conversation if you play it right.

--The “Stuffed Monkey” Opener

This is an Opener I came up with when I was first starting to learn to approach
any woman, anytime, anywhere I may be. I find it’s a good, solid way of
Opening women who are by themselves or in groups at any venue you may be at.

Simply approach your target and say the following:

“Hey guys, I need a quick female opinion on something. My ten year old
niece has a birthday coming up, and she really likes stuffed animals. And
I can’t decide whether to get her a pink stuffed monkey, or a white stuffed
tiger. She has lots of bears and stuff already, but I think she’d like a
different animal. Which one would you get her?”

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