The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


I’m willing to bet that there has been a time in every man’s life where he has been afraid
to approach someone he’s found attractive.

And because this is such a prevalent phenomenon, many men have come to the
conclusion that approaching women is hard, stressful, and at worst, downright scary.

This is such a widespread feeling among men, we all understand it when guys decide not
to approach a woman they like. We just nod our heads and mutter “You’re better off
without her,” or “She wasn’t really your type anyway,” or the patented “There’s plenty of
fish in the sea, bro.”

But like it or not, this fear of approaching is a rather irrational one.

People are social creatures, and need human interaction to survive (at least to stay
mentally healthy, anyway).

However, despite this, most people fear public speaking more than death, and would
rather stand in a corner quietly drinking than interact with others at a party. And when
asked, they will almost always respond “I’m afraid of failure,” or “I’m afraid of
rejection.” But no matter how they respond, they will always blame it on one thing:

Being afraid.

So where does this fear come from?

First of all, I’d argue that it is not always fear that hinders men from approaching women.
Rather, I’d say its laziness. Sir Isaac Newton had a theory, and that theory went
something like this:

“Objects in motion stay in motion. Objects at rest, stay at rest.”

When you’re not approaching someone with the intent of befriending them or picking
them up, even when you WANT to, you are in a state of “rest.” This is a state where
you’ve established what I like to call a “comfort zone.”

This is a place where you feel safe.

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