Just like there are two barriers to approaching, there are two things one must do to
overcome them.
The first of which is building Competence.
Competence is merely a form of secure knowledge. When you have secure knowledge in
something, you are comfortable doing it.
Competence is the foundation from which you base all your actions off of.
In order to achieve the Competence necessary to overcome both barriers to approaching,
you have to know what you’re going to say before you approach. This is done by
memorizing certain Openers of your choosing, and being able to recall them at will.
Having a number of Openers memorized gives you a “toolbox” with which to work with.
One that will insure you’re never at a loss for words.
Knowing what to say is important because it gives you a way to break out of your
Comfort Zone. Being naturally lazy, you don’t want to have to think up something to say
when you see a pretty girl.
But if you have some Openers memorized, you don’t have to think of something to say.
You already know it.
This gives you the excuse you need to break out of your Comfort Zone.
The second thing you need to overcome these barriers is Detachment from Outcome.
You need to be able to disassociate yourself from the possibility of success, to the point
where you do not care about the outcome of the interaction.
This is an important part of overcoming your Fear of Loss.
It’s a little bit of a Zen-like philosophy where you must free yourself from all attachment
you naturally associate to a woman.
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