The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

Phase 3: Seduce

Seducing the girl is the final part of the process. The goal here is to introduce sexual
tension and generate attraction with the girl you desire.

You can do this by flirting, touching, displaying interest, making out, and having sex.
Seduction is the “locking in” phase of the process. After you successfully seduce a girl,
you can transition that to your ultimate outcome, whatever it may be.

Can you visualize having the girl you like feel attracted around you? Can you see
yourself going in for a kiss and having her be receptive to it? Can you visualize her
falling in love with you?

Most people do this too early on in the process. They focus so much on visualizing the
seduction phase, they bypass the other necessary phases and outcomes. Do not make that
mistake! Visualizing this part of the process too early will serve to steer you off course.

The beauty of this three phase process is that it can be sped up or slowed down as
necessary. Sometimes you can move very quickly from meeting a girl, to establishing a
connection, to seducing her. Other times, it takes longer. But as long as you follow this
process, you can achieve whatever your ultimate outcome will be.

The process will help you to focus on the “baby steps” you need to take to get exactly
what you want.

In this book, you will learn the skills necessary to achieve every part of this process.
Some skills can be grouped into the larger phases. Some skills are necessary for all three

But no matter what, if you follow this simple roadmap, you will always know what you
want and how to get it.


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