The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


The story you read in a previous chapter about when I decided to gain control over my
love life was a hard one for me to write, because it was an experience that was very
personal to me. But it was important that I share it, because it contains a powerful lesson.

When I went through that experience, I was on what I like to call “auto-pilot.”

In other words, I was living my life as a passenger instead of a driver. I would go along
with what happened to me, instead of making stuff happen FOR me.

Big difference.

If you look at anything good that’s ever happened to you in your life – anything that is
sustainable and consistently good – it is because you made it happen.

That promotion you got at work didn’t just “magically” happen. You worked hard for it.

That critical baseball game you won didn’t just “manifest.” You trained hard and played
your butt off to win.

Like all things in life, having a focus and a goal will help you to achieve what you want.
But you have to be ready for it.

Up until that break-down I suffered, I was not ready to do what I needed to do. I was not
someone who went out to pick up women. I didn’t believe it could be done. I looked for
excuses that would hold me back. I let opportunity after opportunity pass me by. When
things didn’t go my way, I gave up.

I did this because I WAS NOT READY.

Sure, I craved success with women. I fantasized about it all the time. I used to have
dreams of a beautiful girl coming up to me, already attracted, and trying to seduce me,
falling in love with my vulnerability and sensitivity.

But that’s all it was. A dream.

It was a bad movie I played in my head over and over because it justified the helpless
feeling I was experiencing.

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