It was my friend Elizabeth’s birthday. I had known Elizabeth since college. She was a
beautiful blonde girl who’s personality was just as stunning as her looks.
Elizabeth has had a steady boyfriend since she was in high school, whom I also became
good friends with over time. The two of them had moved out to Los Angeles not long
after I did, and it was great to finally have some old friend’s in town.
When Elizabeth invited me to her birthday party, I asked the most important question you
can when a girl you’re friends with invites you to go somewhere:
“Will there be any hot chicks there?” I asked.
Elizabeth laughed. “Of course!” she said. “I’ll be sure to introduce you.”
“Okay, but if I don’t at least get to make out with one of them, I’m not giving you your
present,” I joked.
Elizabeth’s party was being held at some Mexican Restaurant off of Melrose Ave. in
Hollywood. When I arrived, Elizabeth, her boyfriend Scott, and a cluster of people were
milling around the bar area.
I walked up and gave Elizabeth a hug, and handed her a birthday card.
“Happy birthday!” I said.
“Thanks!” replied Elizabeth. She handed me a drink. “This is for you.”
I looked around at the group of people in the area. There were some very attractive girls,
and a couple guys milling about.
“How many of these people are here for you?” I asked.
“Most of them,” said Elizabeth. “Let me introduce you...”
The rest of the night I spent talking and hanging out with people Elizabeth had met since
moving to Los Angeles. Most of them were girls she had met at various acting gigs.
The list went on like this...
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