The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

And it wasn’t working.

It was not until I started facing the reality of my situation that I finally became ready to
attract women. It wasn’t until I shed the bad beliefs I had and started dealing with what
REALLY worked and what really DIDN’T work, that I started to enjoy success.

So my question to you is: Are you ready to start attracting women too?

Are you ready to set aside all the beliefs you currently have about dating and
relationships, and are willing to try something new to get you the results you desire?

Because if you aren’t, then I’m afraid you’re wasting your time reading this book.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, its that people who are stuck in their ways are people
who never advance. They never break new ground. They just keep getting the same
results they’ve always gotten.

It’s the people who are willing to take risks, try something new, and do things everyone
called them “crazy” for, who get the phenomenal results.

I’ve taken students out in the field to teach them how to meet women before, and it
always starts the same way. The look around the club, eyes wide in fear, nervous,
intimidated by the women there.

I push them towards groups, tell them what to say, and then watch them approach.

They HATE doing it. They’re moving outside their comfort zone, and its scary.

But as soon as they start to see the positive reactions, and begin to experience how fun
and exciting it is to move beyond what they previously did to attract women into a new
headspace and skill set – they never fail to get addicted to the experience.

That is because they became ready to attract women. They became ready to move out of
their comfort zone and into the line of fire, and they came out stronger because of it.

So before you read any further, I want you to ask yourself these questions:

  1. Are you currently getting the results with women you want?

  2. Do you recognize that what you’ve been doing up to this point has not been
    getting you those results?

  3. Are you willing to try something new, even if it might feel uncomfortable or
    unnatural at first?

  4. Are you unwilling to give up until you get what it is you desire?

These are the four most important questions you’ll ever be asked. And if you can answer
them honestly, then you’ll be ready to proceed.

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