The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

Once you’re in with the guys, its time to move onto the girls. Have him introduce you.
Tell the girls how good of a friend he is. Show them that you’re a cool guy. Become their
friends. The cooler the guy you befriend, the hotter the women he knows. The hotter the
women he knows, the better quality of women they will introduce you to.

The next step will take a bit of willpower on your part, but you want to actually
BEFRIEND the girl with the knowledge that you are not going to sleep with her. No
matter how hot she is, you must take her out of the “I wanna BONE!” category. This is
crucial because if you go after her for the full monty (sex), you could screw up the

But once she’s your friend, you can practice on her. Talk to her, call her up and bullshit,
go out with her, let her feel safe and comfortable around you.

Once she’s your buddy, get her to introduce you to her friends. Those are the ones you
game on. This is because you’ll be at an advantage with them. Not only will you have a
girl who is their friend hyping you up, but you’ll also be social proofed by the guy you
befriended, who has also probably met the girl you’re being introduced to. Right there is
instant social proof that you’re cool enough to hang with them. Then its time to game the
girl, which should be easier than cold approaching because the meeting is inherent.

But when it comes to cold approaching, the women you befriend become even more
powerful. This is where the real fun can happen.

You can use your female friends to approach other groups of people.

You can introduce her to the men while she does the same for you with the women. Not
only that, its natural social proof when you’re with a girl, and you feel more comfortable
talking to women, which makes you more attractive.

In fact, this is so powerful that I know men who’s entire game is based on Social Circles.

A woman you use to help you get laid is often referred to as a “Pivot” or a “Pawn.” They
are used as pieces on a chessboard to break down defenses and open doorways to score

One guy I know is SO effective with the girls in his social circle, that if there is a guy
trying to get with a female friend of his, he will actually get the guy to pull him other
women before he social proofs the guy with his friend.

This is another great tactic, especially if you’re lazy about approaching.

In this situation, not only are his pivots pulling other girls for him, but the guys after his
pivots are as well. And in the end, all you’re getting is a bigger social circle which will
make it easier to get laid.

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