The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

Realize this: All Words Are Mirrors.

Personal truths are spoken at moments of peak emotion. All words are mirrors because
they reflect back some insight as to what people think about themselves, even though
they may be speaking about someone else.

For those of you who are ready to start attracting more women than you know what to do
with, I want you to start being very aware of your words.

Especially be aware of the words that come from your heart, your stomach, and your soul.
If you are going to make a change, you must be aware of the thoughts and words
generated by your emotions.

If you cannot be aware of when your emotions are doing your thinking, you will never
survive the journey. You will hold yourself back. For even if you are talking about
somebody else, for example by saying “She probably already has a boyfriend,” you are
really saying something about yourself.

You may be using the idea of a woman having a boyfriend as an excuse for your own
inaction. Or you might actually be saying “I don’t have the courage or communication
skills to convey my interest in her.”

All words are mirrors that provide opportunities for you to look into your soul.

What you think about yourself, therefore, has influence on those around you. Think
about this for a second: What’s your primary means of communication with other people?

Your words.

On a subconscious level, we all pick up on what other people say to us and the meaning
behind it.

When you talk about yourself to others, pay attention to what you say. Do you talk
negatively? Point out flaws? Obsess over your bad qualities? Do you do the same when
talking about other people?

If you do, take a moment to think about what you are communicating to others when you
do that, and then ask yourself “Is it any wonder I have difficulty picking up women?”

After all, you know yourself better than anyone else, and if YOU are not attracted to
yourself, how can you expect a woman to be?

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