The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

Instead of saying “I need to lose ten pounds!” they say “I need to feel good and get

By focusing on a positive, such as getting healthy, the weight naturally comes off. By
focusing on a negative – trying to lose weight – the weight stays on.

This is doubly true in your love life.

Look at your current situation and ask yourself this:

  • Do you have people around you who don’t want you to succeed?

  • Do people tell you things that depress you about yourself?

  • Do you feel negative emotions toward women?

  • Do you rehearse failure?

  • Do you focus on feelings of fear and anxiety?

  • Do you obsess over your insecurities?

If the answer to all of the above is YES, then you have a great deal of negativity
surrounding your love life.

And negativity ALWAYS impedes results.

If you’re working so hard to get a girlfriend, or find a good woman, and it just isn’t
happening, it could be because you’re focusing on too many negatives.

Things like “I don’t want a woman who smokes,” as opposed to “I want a woman who is
healthy and vivacious.”

Things like “I look ugly,” as opposed to “I feel great!”

Things like “She’s out of my league,” as opposed to “Let’s see what kind of fun I can
have with her.”

Understand: Life will give you what you want! If you want negative things, that’s what
you will get.

If you want positive things, then that’s what you will get.

You must re-focus your thinking on what it is you want, and what you are grateful for
having, as opposed to what you don’t like and what you don’t want.

When you stop focusing on negativity, you’ll be surprised to find at how many positive
things you are able to attract into your life.

Not the LEAST of which are beautiful, wonderful women.

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