The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

“You’re standing funny,” she smiled.

“I’m trying to be alpha,” I grinned.

She laughed. “Well, good luck with that,” she said as she walked off.

I watched her go thinking, “Wow, I got a girl to talk to me just by the way I stood!” My
instructor may not have been giving the best directions, but the idea behind them was a
powerful one.

We all communicate on many different levels. The way we use our body speaks just as
loudly about us as our words do.

See, your appearance is part of your Body Language.

Not the appearance you’re born with, however, but the way you shape how you look. It
is through how you rearrange your appearance that you transmit your sexuality to others.

When you see a beautiful woman with an average or below-average guy, and you ask her
why she finds him attractive, she may say something along the lines of “I don’t know.
It’s just something about him that he has... like an energy or an aura.”

Actually, it’s nothing of the sort.

In part, it’s how a man dresses that communicates certain things to a woman: the type of
shirt you wear, the pants you put on, the jackets and ties you don, your hairstyle, the way
you shape your facial hair if you have any, the length of your sideburns, your tan, the
whiteness of your teeth – all these factors contribute to the immediate image people get
of you when they first see you. But even more important than these things is how you
stand and how you walk.

When you move, move with grace. I’m not talking about a ballerina type of grace here,
but rather an “arrogant” sort of grace that will garner attention.

In fact, you can directly translate arrogant grace into “macho swagger.”

Think of the way Russell Crow, Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, and Mel Gibson walk, and you’ll
get an idea of what this is. Its standing straight, shoulders slightly back (not hunched
over), walking and moving with an easy confidence that’s sure to get people’s attention.

Keep your hands out of your pockets. When you put hands in your pockets, you look like
you have something to hide.

By the same token, don’t cross your arms. Crossed arms make you look guarded and

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