The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

“And for what purpose?” asked Dan. “When you see a hot girl, what’s the first thing you


“You look at the rest of her to see if the whole picture is something worth pursuing,” he
said. “When that happens, what do you think your eyes do?”

Dan demonstrated the glance for me again. As I thought about it, I realized he was right.
When I saw a girl’s face, the first thing I’d do would be to look up and down her body

“See, when a girl sees something she likes about you, she’ll scan the rest of your body to
see if there’s other stuff she likes,” explained Dan.

“But what if the stuff she doesn’t like outweighs the stuff she does like?”

Dan shook his head, “Doesn’t matter!” he said. “What matters is that there was one thing

  • just ONE thing about you she DID like! And all it takes is one thing. Once a woman
    checks you out, that’s an invitation for you to pursue her.”

For the rest of that day, as we walked around, I paid close attention to the eyes of the
women we walked by, and sure enough, to my surprise, Dan was right. There must have
been five or six girls who checked me out as I passed them by.

Dan was right to tell me to pay attention to the eyes, as the eyes are the most important
body language indicator there is.

Understand: The eyes are the window to the soul. They will always betray what a
person is thinking, if you’re deft enough to pay attention to them.

I’m going to share some secrets about eye contact with you that is going to help you meet
women like crazy. I hope you’re ready for them, because I’m really spilling the beans

Are you ready for it?

Here they come...

Secret #1: The Vertical Scan

This is a major body language cue, and one that is hard to pick up if you’re not paying
attention. Think about a woman you’ve seen that you found attractive. What did you do?
Catch one look at her face, then looked down over her body, going from head to foot,

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