The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

Dan shook his head. “Joe, you need to wake up and stop being so oblivious to your
surroundings. I bet women check you out all the time and you don’t even know it.”

I was taken aback by this. “You can’t be serious. I never have women check me out!”

“How do you know?” asked Dan.

“Look at me!” I said. “Why would anyone check me out?”

“Why would anyone check me out?” Dan said, raising his arms to expose his whole body.
Dan may have been a natural, but he was 5’5 at best, with a bald head, pudgy gut, snagled
teeth, and a mangled left hand he had been born with.

Dan was a far cry from your typical idea of a ladies man. But time and time again, I had
seen him pick up some very beautiful women just by his attitude. That’s partly why I
became friends with him, to learn from him.

I sensed I was about to learn something at that moment.

“By all rights, women shouldn’t be checking me out, but they do,” said Dan. “And they
check you out too. Stop trying to project how you operate in your own head on women,
and don’t try to understand them, man. Just accept the fact that you never know what
women will be attracted to, and go with it!”

“But, if I don’t know what they’re attracted to, how will I know if they’re checking me
out?” I asked.

Dan tapped me on the noggin. “Pay attention, dummy.”

I rolled my eyes. “Gee, thanks for the fortune cookie advice.”

Dan sighed. “Do I have to teach you everything?”

“Apparently,” I said, getting a little irritated.

“Look, I’ll make it simple for you,” said Dan. “Just look at their eyes.”

“Their eyes?”

“Yeah. When you see them go like this...” Dan looked down at my feet, then scanned
his eyes back up to my face without moving his head. “That means they just checked you

“Get serious,” I said. “That’s just a glance. Everyone does that.”

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