The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

Ass Holes don’t need anything from anyone. Therefore, their actions of kindness are
completely selfless, because they expect nothing in return.

Nice Guys tend to judge themselves quite harshly.

Ass Holes don’t bother to judge themselves. It’s a waste of their time.

Therefore, it is easy to say that people who lack confidence are in a perpetual state of
judgment. All day, every day, they sit in a jury box and judge themselves – over and
over again.

People who lack confidence simply do not understand other people. They nervously see
others as judgmental because that’s how they are, and they think everyone else must be
exactly the same way.

In order to offset their own negative feelings about themselves, many will pour blame
and criticism onto others, and never look at their part of the problem, which is this:

The way you judge yourself forms your view of other people.

If you judge yourself critically, you see others as judging you in the EXACT SAME
WAY. And when you live in a world where everyone judges you as harshly as you judge
yourself, it is impossible to feel good and be confident.

In this section of the book, we will work hard to try and re-train you on how to shape and
re-enforce a positive view of yourself.

When you are able to stop your negative, self-critical, judgmental feelings and focus on
positive traits and thoughts about yourself, the world around you (and those in it) will
adjust to reflect those new views on yourself.

And once that happens, you will experience what true confidence really feels like.

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