Quick Reference
Manages the customized user interface elements in the product.
System Variables
Create a Shortcut Menu
Shortcut menus are displayed at or near the location of your cursor when you
right-click on the pointing device. The shortcut menu and the options it
provides depend on the location of the cursor and other conditions, such as
whether an object is selected or a command is in progress.
Context-sensitive shortcut menus display menu options that are relative to the
current command or the selected object when you right-click.
Shortcut Menu Aliases
Shortcut menus are referenced by their aliases and are used in specific
situations. In the Customize User Interface (CUI) Editor, the alias names must
follow the proper naming conventions. For example, the shortcut menu named
“Default Menu” displays the following information in the Aliases section of
the Properties pane:
CMDEFAULT is one of the reserved aliases that the program looks for in specific
situations. In this case, the shortcut menu assigned the alias CMDEFAULT is
displayed if no objects are selected and no command is in progress when you
right-click over the drawing window.
Aliases for context-sensitive shortcut menus must be numbered between
POP500 and POP999, with the exception of the Object Snap menu which uses
an alias of POP0. The following aliases are reserved for use by the program:
Program aliases for shortcut menus
Alias Description
Defines the Hot Grip shortcut menu. (Right-click the drawing
area while a grip on an object is selected.)
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