
(Steven Felgate) #1
Menu files mapped to CUIx files

In Auto- Description of change

Menu file Description

need them during a drawing

Menu resource file. Contains MNR No change.
the bitmaps that are used by
the user interface elements.


Menu Text File Structure Versus CUI and CUIx Structure

In releases prior to AutoCAD 2006, you added, edited, and deleted menu
information directly in a text file. In AutoCAD 2006 and later, you use the
Customize User Interface (CUI) Editor.

Following is an example of how the Window menu looked in the legacy menu
file aclt.mnu.

Contents of the Window menu in aclt.mnu

Window menu Description

ID_MnWindow [&Window]
ID_DWG_CLOSE [Cl&ose]^C^C_close
ID_WINDOW_CLOSEALL [C&lose All]^C^C_closeall
ID_WINDOW_CASCADE [&Cascade]^C^C_syswindows;_cascade
ID_WINDOW_TILE_HORZ [Tile &Horizontally]^C^C_syswindows;_hor
ID_WINDOW_TILE_VERT [&Tile Vertically]^C^C_syswindows;_vert
ID_WINDOW_ARRANGE [&Arrange Icons]^C^C_syswindows;_arrange

Compare the menu data above with the same menu data as it is displayed in
the Customize User Interface (CUI) Editor, in the tree view.

50 | Chapter 4 User Interface Customization

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