Customize the Ribbon
Ribbon customization is broken out into three main components: panels,
tabs, and contextual tab states. Each component of the ribbon is used to
organize and display the commands that you want to use frequently.
Create a Ribbon Panel
Ribbon panels organize commands and controls on the ribbon.
You use rows, sub-panels, and drop-downs on a ribbon panel to organize the
commands and controls you want to display on the ribbon. Each panel is
divided into two halves with a panel separator; an upper and lower half. Rows
above the panel separator are displayed by default while those below it are
displayed only when the panel is expanded. Each panel can also be assigned
a command to its Panel Launcher button, which can be used to start an
associated dialog box. For more information about ribbon panel customization,
see Ribbon Panels on page 149.
Create a new ribbon panel to organize the
commands and controls you want to display on
the ribbon.
Create a new ribbon panel on -----
page 150
Add rows to organize the commands and controls
you want to add. Rows can also hold drop-downs
and sub-panels.
Add a row on page 159 -----
Optional: Add drop-downs to organize multiple
commands into a single drop-down list or split
Add a drop-down on page 169 -----
Optional: Add fold panels to organize buttons,
toggle buttons, split buttons and drop-down
buttons within a row.
Add a fold panel on page 159 -----
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