Rolando Gomez. Rolando Gomez's Lighting for Glamour Photography: Techniques for Digital Photographers. 2010

(Greg DeLong) #1




ight is the lifeblood of an image. Without light, a photographer cannot
capture a picture, much less a photograph. Like blood is to our bodies,
light is fluid energy to an image.
Ultimately, what separates a good photographer from a great photographer
is that latter photographer will understand not only the qualities of light but
how to see and feel the light. Practice your lighting and refine your skills. Re-
member, good lighting can bolster your subject’s self-esteem and enhance her
natural beauty, and as a photographer, that should be your ultimate goal.
Finally, though I’ve acknowledged people in the front of my books, this
time I want to make a special acknowledgment to Jeff Whitted, a photogra-
pher and friend who has gone above and beyond the call of duty during some
of the most difficult times of my life—more specifically, during the creation of
this book.
You have begun your journey by reading this book. Now, put the principles
into action. Master one light, then become the master of all your lights.

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