
(sharon) #1


Tetracyclines are the first broad-spectrum antibiotic that was used to halt the
growth of many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is used to treat a
variety of infections including acne vulgaris, actinomycosis, anthrax, bronchitis,
and other systemic bacterial infections including bacterial urinary tract infections.
Demeclocycline, a member of the tetracycline family, is also used to treat
conditions that are associated with inappropriate diuretic hormone since deme-
clocycline inhibits water-induced reabsorption in the kidneys.
Assess the patient the same way as described previously in this chapter for a
patient taking penicillin. Do not use tetracyclines if the patient is pregnant or
breastfeeding.Furthermore, tetracyclines should not be given to children under
8 years of age because tetracyclines can permanently mottle and discolor the
teeth and decrease linear skeletal growth in both children and the fetus.
Patients who have a hypersenitivity to caine medication such as lidocaine and
procaine may be intolerant to tetracyclines because caine medication is mixed in
the tetracycline intramuscular injection.

(^232) CHAPTER 13 Antimicrobials—Fighting Infection
Aminoglycosides (continued)
Pregnancy Category: C
Streptomycin S O 4
Protein-Binding: 30%
Half-Life: 2–3 hours
Route Dose Time
IM (tuberculosis) 1 gm Every day with
(Endocarditis) 1 g Every 12 hours for
1 week. Dose may
be decreased
Tobramycin SO 4 (Nebcin)
Protein-Binding: 10%
Half-Life: 2–3 hours
IM/IV 0.75 mg to Every 6 hours
1.25 mg/kg

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